Revive Dental Emergency Dental Services: Everything You Need to Know

The emergency dental services at Revive Dental Winnipeg include pain-free root canals and effective wisdom teeth extraction.

Every year in Canada, nearly 60,000 emergency room visits occur for dental-related illnesses. It may get challenging to get emergency dental care at general hospitals.

Revive Dental Winnipeg has maintained a specialized emergency dental setup to help people needing emergency dental care.

Emergency Dental Services at Revive Dental

Revive Dental has eight specialist categories to care for various dental issues. Among them, one of the most popular categories is the emergency dental care. This department takes care of those dental illnesses that need immediate action.

The emergency dental category is divided into two:

  1. Wisdom Teeth
  • Root Canals

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Removing the wisdom teeth helps avoid the overcrowding of teeth and the resultant damage. If you don’t remove the wisdom teeth accordingly, it will not give the other healthy teeth enough room to grow correctly.

Some other consequences of not removing wisdom teeth accordingly are as follows.

  • Tooth decay
  • Infections
  • Jaw and teeth misalignment
  • Soreness, pain, and swelling
  • Nerve damage
  • Jawbone damage, etc.

Revive Dental maintains a policy not to remove any tooth unwantedly. They took thorough observations and tests to identify whether tooth extraction is inevitable. They proceed to extraction only if they find that the tooth has to be removed for the patient’s well-being.

The wisdom teeth extraction at Revive Dental proceeds in three steps. They are as follows.

Step 1: Examination

  • The dentists at the center thoroughly examine the mouth of the patient.
  • The X-rays of the patient are essential for examination.
  • Based on the X-rays and the examination, the dentists create a personalized treatment plan for the patient.

Step 2: Anesthetic

  • The anesthetic stage is performed on the patient right before the extraction.
  • The anesthetic advising is pain-free and comfortable.

Step 3: Extraction

  • Extraction need not be through surgery always.
  • Depending on the patient’s wisdom teeth condition, the extraction can or cannot be done using extraction tools.
  • Extraction is risk-free; only some patients require stitches after the procedure.

Root Canals

A root canal effectively removes an infected part of the patient’s teeth. This process avoids the chances of having to remove a tooth entirely. People usually find root canals painful. But at Revive Dental, the latest technology and an expert team of practitioners have made root canals completely pain-free and relaxing.

The Revive Dental experts suggest the following measures post-root canal for the best results.

  • Flossing every day.
  • Brushing twice daily.
  • Avoid consuming sugar content as much as possible.
  • Using a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Quitting smoking.