Five Tips for Holiday Eating That Is Healthier

It’s the time of year for celebration, family, and food—a lot of food. There are temptations everywhere, and everyday routines are disturbed by travel and parties. Furthermore, it all continues for weeks on end.

When it seems like everyone else is overindulging, how do you maintain your healthy eating habits? The Centers for Disease Control has provided the following five helpful tips:

Vacation-Proof Your Schedule

You might not have any say over the food that is served to you, and you will undoubtedly witness other people indulging in enticing foods. Take on the obstacles with a strategy in hand:

  • Keep your blood sugar stable by eating close to your regular times.
  • Eat a small snack at your regular mealtime and cut back on your intake when dinner is served if your meal is served later than usual.
  • Received an invitation to an event? Offer to bring a wholesome dish.
  • Reduce your intake of other carbohydrates during the meal, such as bread and potatoes, if you have a sweet treat.
  • Don’t miss meals in anticipation of a feast. Your blood sugar will be more difficult to control, and you’ll feel extremely hungry and prone to overindulge.

Holiday Tips

  • Snack on pumpkin pie rather than pecan pie. You will cut at least a third of the calories and sugar, even with a dollop of whipped cream.
  • To make physical activity easier to schedule, break it up into smaller segments. For example, walk for 10 minutes several times a day.
  • Plan a daily “me” period, such as a hot bath, dog walk, or nap, to recharge for the upcoming festivities.

Avoid the Buffet

When surrounded by a spread of delectable holiday fare, choose healthfully more easily:

  • After grabbing a small plate of your favorite foods, depart from the buffet area.
  • Initiate with veggies to reduce your appetite.
  • Consume mindfully. Your brain needs at least twenty minutes to register fullness.
  • Refrain from or use alcohol sparingly.
  • If you do indulge in alcohol, pair it with some food. Alcohol can interfere with diabetes medications and lower blood sugar.
  • Make sure to monitor your blood sugar levels as well. During the holidays, check it more frequently, and if you take medication, see your doctor if the dosage needs to be changed.

Include your favorites

There isn’t any food on the bad list. Pick recipes that you adore and can only find during this time of year, such as Aunt Edna’s pumpkin pie. Take your time, enjoy a tiny portion, and remember to include it in your meal plan.

Continue onward

This time of year, you have a lot on your plate, and exercise may get pushed to the side. However, staying active is your secret weapon for a stress-free holiday season. It can help offset any excess eating and ease your mind during this particularly trying time of year.

Obtain Your Zzz’s

Reducing sleep is often the result of going out more and staying out later. Lack of sleep can make it more difficult to control blood sugar levels, and it can also lead to an increase in appetite and a preference for high-fat, high-sugar foods. In order to prevent mindless eating, try to get 7 to 8 hours each night.