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Which Summer Melon Is Healthier: Honeydew vs. Cantaloupe

Honeydew melon and cantaloupe probably won’t be as mainstream as watermelon, however in the mid year, the two can be invigorating and brimming with flavor. While the melons are frequently mistaken for one another, they differ in taste, shading, and even a few supplements. Here’s the means by which the two stack up as far as health benefits and sustenance.

Is honeydew good for you?

Green nourishments are famously known for being healthy, and honeydew melon is the same. This mid year melon is high in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium.

“It also contains vitamin B6 and folate, which have both shown importance in brain function and preventing Alzheimer’s disease,” enlisted dietitian Brenna Wallace, M.S., RDN, LDN, tells mbg.

The potassium in honeydew can help oversee circulatory strain, while vitamin C benefits the resistant framework and skin wellbeing. “Vitamin C is needed for collagen to form,” Wallace explains, “ensuring that your skin tissue remains unbroken and repairs properly when needed.”


The healthy benefit depends on 1 cup of honeydew, as per the U.S. Division of Agriculture (USDA) food database:

What about the benefits of cantaloupe?

Orange probably won’t signal “health food” the manner in which green does, however Wallace says the orange color of melon really shows that it’s wealthy in beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a carotenoid that gives carrots, yams, and melon their orange tints. When it’s in the body, it changes over to nutrient An and benefits eye wellbeing, red platelets, and oversees irritation, Wallace says.

Since nutrient C isn’t normally delivered in the body, integrative medication specialist Taz Bhatia, M.D., prescribes eating melon to build the supplement admission and bolster sound maturing.

Like honeydew, melon is a high-fiber melon, which means it’s valuable for glucose guideline just as gut uneasiness, such as swelling or gas.


The healthy benefit depends on 1 cup of melon, as indicated by the USDA food database:

Honeydew versus Cantaloupe: How would they compare?

Honeydew and Cantaloupe have a comparative surface and appearance—beside shading. This is on the grounds that they originate from similar types of organic product, Wallace clarifies. Both are high in nutrients A, C, and B6, just as potassium, fiber, and folate.

Cantaloupe contains marginally less characteristic sugars and the greater part the nutrient An and nutrient C levels of honeydew. In any case, with regards to natural product, enrolled dietitian Jenna Gorham, R.D., L.D., says sugar shouldn’t be a main factor. “For those that do need to track carbohydrates for medical purposes, per cup, cantaloupe has three grams less carbs compared to honeydew,” she says.

Regarding taste? “Each melon is mildly sweet with a similar firm and smooth texture,” Wallace says. “However, some people find that cantaloupe is slightly less firm than honeydew.”

Like most melons, these two are useful for forestalling drying out—they each have a 90% water substance and a lot of electrolytes. Indeed, enrolled dietitian nutritionist Carlene Thomas, R.D., suggests mixing melon or honeydew with ice for a hydrating drink. “You’re also still getting the fiber from the melon, so you’ll get a sense of satiety,” she tells mbg.

All in all, which one is more Benefits?

Honeydew and Cantaloupe are acceptable wellsprings of fiber, potassium, and nutrients. They’re likewise both hydrating and succulent, which makes them so fulfilling in warm summer months.

Despite the fact that it for the most part boils down to individual inclination, Gorham says melon stands apart for its high nutrient An and nutrient C content—making it somewhat more supplement thick than honeydew.

Whichever melon assortment suits your sense of taste, realize that you can’t generally turn out badly with these dynamic, sound natural products.

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