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Rabie Merhi founder of all UAE Villas and is a professional in All villas of UAE

For the past four decades he has been a happy resident of UAE. Via interacting with Emiraties culture. He came to respect plus honor the morals and ethics of this ambitiously driven sociality. Above all was the importance of privacy in which Emirates abide by. Furthermore, and in our ongoing fight against COVID, He came to the realization that Privacy not only important but it is also essential to keep us and our beloved ones safe. This was a eureka moment in his life as this is when the idea of ALL UAE Villas was born.    

It simply combines the integration of social events plus luxury hotels, ensuring privacy for all clients in times where privacy is very precious, important and essential for our safety.

Rabie Mehri also added a new concept in the world of decorating hotel rooms and suites. In terms of procuring high quality, personally selected based on client request Roses. All UAE Villas pays high attention to diversity of selected roses colors and utter creativity in the art of rose painting and decoration.  This small yet extremely effective touch transformed client’s’ social occasions from regular experiences forgotten with time to spectacular memories for lifetime.

 He’s now proudly working on expanding the range of tourist resorts, to give our Clients more diverse choices, richer experiences and ultimately the best time
He welcomes you to come and visit his villas and get unique experience.

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