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How Should Health Issues Be Handled During the Summer? Here Are 7 Tips

Dealing With The Heat

There is a widespread belief that seasonal illnesses are limited to the winter season. While it is true that the onset of winter brings with it an increased risk of flu and other viral illnesses, summertime also poses a risk of a host of other viral diseases in addition to the usual summertime ailments of dehydration, food poisoning, heat stroke, sunburn, etc. It should be mentioned that since the body as a whole, including the eyes, skin, and digestive system, absorbs heat, safety measures must be followed to avoid becoming ill.

Stay Hydrated

Drink lots of water if you’re trying to stay healthy or if you’re already unwell. The secret to excellent health is to stay hydrated. In addition to drinking more water, you can up your fluid intake by indulging in tasty alternatives like fruit juices, coconut water, buttermilk, lemon water, and so on. These can help you feel reenergized and restore your fluid stores.

Avoid Heavy Outdoor Activities

Steer clear of exercising in the sun or in the heat. It may result in severe heat stroke, dehydration, or profuse perspiration. If you must go outside and remain there for a time, try to find areas with shade. Additionally, attempt to park your automobile in the shade to avoid sitting in it after it has been exposed to the scorching heat.

Wear Loose-fitted Clothes

Wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that reflects heat instead of dark clothing that absorbs it is the best option throughout the summer. Your skin cannot breathe under tight clothing, which stops you from perspiring. Choose airy fabrics, such as cotton.

Fighting Mosquitoes

In addition, mosquito breeding throughout the summer months increases the risk of deadly mosquito-borne illnesses including dengue and malaria. Therefore, take precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones by closing windows and doors, using insect repellent, and avoiding areas where mosquitoes breed.

Avoid Heat Exposure

Steer clear of excessive sun exposure, particularly between the hours of 12 and 3 p.m. when the sun’s rays are at their most perpendicular. When you must go outside, shield your eyes with sunglasses and wear a cap to protect your skin from the heat and UV radiation that might injure delicate areas of your body.

Protect Your Skin

Apply sunscreen with at least 15 SPF on your skin to prevent early wrinkles and even skin cancer. When you go outside, conceal your face. To relieve sunburns, you can even place an ice cube on your face.

Food And Water-borne Illnesses

Before consuming any meal, thoroughly wash your hands, and when preparing, observe basic hygiene precautions. Hand washing helps stop illnesses from being spread by food and water. Along with not dining outside or on the street, always wash your hands after using the loo. Meals prepared at home are gentler on the stomach.

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