Future-Oriented Innovations

If you’re attempting to respond to seismic changes in your industry or trying to adopt a more long-term approach, changing your organization’s future orientation could provide significant benefits. Research has proven that companies with a strong future-oriented mindset are more efficient and innovative. To make your organization more future-oriented, you can help your staff and management to come up with new strategies and processes that help your company prepare for the future.

The development of future-oriented innovations requires a dialogue-based approach to analyze business opportunities and potential barriers. This can be accomplished making use of a framework for futures-based literacy https://datatraininst.com/ that incorporates knowledge about the future and awareness of futures, as well as the ability to predict the future. Futures literacy refers the capacity of an individual or a company to identify, construct and articulate futures. It is based on the understanding that the creation and articulation of futures is an inter-disciplinary endeavor that involves a variety of domains, spheres, and stakeholder. Futures awareness is the capacity to be aware of the existence of possibilities for the future and is dependent on an individual’s awareness of their own perception of the world around them.

In order to achieve forward-looking innovation, it’s necessary to develop products and services that will improve the lives of the people. These improvements are the result of collaboration between several high-tech procedure stakeholders, and require a complex assessment of the current issues and possible alternatives. This type of innovation also requires a radical epistemic view and the ability to listen to suggestions from the long term future.