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Do’s and don’ts of facial beauty care by Dr. Zahra Gardeshi

For the beauty of the face and having beautiful and radiant skin, continuity in daily skin care and the use of appropriate products is very important. Whether the goal is to slow down the natural aging of the skin or to reduce and prevent pimples and acne, we all need to take a series of care measures to keep our skin healthy. Rather than looking at your daily skin care routine as a chore, you can see it as a soothing opportunity to heal and improve your skin. Continuing daily skin care is the first step in restoring skin health and radiance.


1) Clean your makeup before going to bed.

If you sleep with makeup on, in addition to cosmetics, the accumulation of all the dirt, fats and toxins that accumulate on your skin during the day can cause many skin problems, including clogged pores, skin irritation and pimples and acne. It only takes a minute or two to cleanse your face of harmful bacteria that will help prevent unpleasant skin problems in the future. This is as necessary as brushing.

2) Wash your face.

Wash your face at least once in the morning and once before going to bed. You can use a facial cleanser of your choice to clean the surface of your skin. Facial cleansers help you get rid of dark spots caused by sunburn or environmental pollution.

Although most people are lazy in clearing their skin before bed, skin cleansing has amazing effects on skin color.

3) Apply sunscreen to your skin every day.

If you do not take care of your skin in the sun every day, sun damage can cause serious skin problems. In fact, overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays is a major cause of skin aging.

That’s why it is essential to use sunscreen as part of your daily skin care routine. Although moisturizers or cosmetics may contain sunscreen, they will not suffice for all-day skin care. Therefore, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 each day.

4) Moisturize your skin every day.

If your daily routine is such that you are in a hurry in the morning, sometimes you may not use a moisturizer. In addition to sunscreen, moisturizer is the best product that can be added to your daily skin care program.

Whether your skin is oily or dry, or something in between, choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type can make a big difference in the beauty of your face.

1) Do not pass easily through the skin of the neck and chest.

When it comes to skin care, some people focus only on their face. Remember that in addition to the face, neck and chest are also visible. The skin of these parts is thinner than other parts of the body and is more prone to damage.

Therefore, to fight the signs of aging and keep the skin in these areas radiant, be sure to moisturize and exfoliate them and apply sunscreen to them.

2) Do not exfoliate your skin too much.

Adding exfoliation to your skin care program is a great move, as it removes dead skin cells and creates space for newer, healthier skin cells. However, you should not overdo the exfoliation of your facial skin.

It does not matter if you use physical exfoliators or chemical exfoliators, in any case you should rest your skin for a while between each exfoliation. Exfoliation once or twice a week is sufficient for most skin types. Exfoliating too much can irritate your skin.

3) Do not reduce your bedtime.

Sleep plays a big role in the health of the body and the beauty of the face and skin. You should get seven to eight hours of sleep each night so that your body has time to heal and regain energy for the next day.

If you do not give your body enough time to rest and rejuvenate, you will eventually experience puffiness, dark circles around the eyes, pimples, wrinkles, inflammation and other skin problems. If you have trouble sleeping, set up a relaxing night schedule.

Avoid these home remedies; Even if everyone does them.

Some people claim that they have come up with home remedies such as using lemon juice and toothpaste to treat their skin problems such as pimples and dark spots. But the truth is that these methods cause long-term damage because they can damage skin cells.

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