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Description of Alireza Naghizadeh, a successful entrepreneur about entrepreneurial management

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship first came to the attention of economists and since the 16th century they have described entrepreneurship in their economic theories. Among the theories of economists is the theory of economic development of Joseph Schumpeter (father of entrepreneurship) in 1934. His theories that he considers entrepreneurs as the driving force of economic development and their performance as creative destruction have been considered by many researchers. Entrepreneurship was considered by psychologists by understanding the role of entrepreneurs in the economy and in order to identify their characteristics and behavioral patterns, and management scientists have also studied entrepreneurship, explaining entrepreneurial management and creating an entrepreneurial environment in organizations. Sociologists consider entrepreneurship as a social phenomenon and examine the interrelationship between entrepreneurs and other sections and groups of society.

 Definition of entrepreneurship:

Since entrepreneurship is one of the most important words in the humanities and the concepts of humanities, unlike the concepts of experimental sciences, do not have high certainty, it is not possible to provide a single definition for the concept of entrepreneurship and different definitions have been provided for it in different scientific circles But according to different opinions and views, the following definition can be mentioned:

Entrepreneurship is a process in which the entrepreneur with new and creative ideas and identification of new opportunities and by mobilizing resources to create new business, new and innovative and growing organizations that are both risk-taking and lead to the introduction of the product or It will be a new service to the community.

What is the necessity of companies and organizations (and management) in society?

Today’s human beings live in organizations from birth to death. Maternity wards, kindergartens, pre-schools, primary schools, middle and high schools, high schools, universities, the 30-year-old place of work organization, and finally the funeral and burial organization are the direct organizations of the individual. Individuals are also indirectly involved with various other organizations. Managers and organizations have a profound effect on our daily lives because it is rare to find someone in society who is neither a manager nor the subject of managers’ decision-making.

Management and organization (as an important result of entrepreneurial practice) have been defined in many different ways. For example, it can be said that management is the science and art of working with and with others in order to properly use material and human resources to achieve the goal or objectives of the organization with maximum results and minimum efforts using advanced and appropriate planning tools and techniques. , Organizing, leading, and controlling, within the cultural environment and social mood of the organization and society. And an organization is a community of two or more people who start working to achieve a common goal (s) – any goal. In this case, it is necessary to divide group work between people, coordinate their work and establish a logical relationship between them. Otherwise, reworking and pursuing an individual goal or goals makes it difficult to achieve a common goal (s).

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