Best Skills to acquire as a digital entrepreneur – with Manuela Fantini

Undoubtedly, you need to learn how to use social media well, an excellent communication and connection tool and the leading search engines, such as Google if you want to open a site or a blog and YouTube if you’re going to focus on videos.

It is also essential to learn to speak and write fluently to communicate our content well, so some basic copywriting or public speaking can only be helpful!

What kind of study you need to do for start a career as a digital entrepreneur ?

No particular studies are necessary; on the contrary, we often have an eye on examples of widespread people who have built noteworthy activities thanks to their personality and inventiveness.

In this case, the character skills are worth much more than the academic ones.

Pros and cons of an online business?

The pros are undoubtedly the flexibility on times and places, the adaptability for every type of person, the low costs and risks in opening the business and the great scalability of earnings.

The cons are the need to have a lot of perseverance, passion and determination. You have to get out of your shell, your comfort zone because putting your face in it is essential and, above all, being very exposed as you gain visibility, which often can lead to criticism or haters problems.

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