An Interview With The Australian Entrepreneur Marcus Pereira

Marcus Pereira is an Australian entrepreneur and internet personality. He began his online journey at a young age by growing up pages on Instagram and by the age of 15 started his first 6 figure e-commerce business. Marcus continues running his e-commerce empire but now also focuses on growing his personal brand including his YouTube channel and Instagram page.

How would you describe yourself and what you currently do?

I don’t really refer to myself as this term, but I guess technically I do fall under the category of being an “entrepreneur.” I stared an e-commerce business when I was 15 years old that did around $300,000 in revenue its first year of being live, shortly after I started an Instagram page and YouTube channel documenting my journey and teaching other like-minded people.

What was the biggest factor behind your e-commerce success?

I personally believe there are three main pillars to succeed on eBay. The title and photos, the product itself and the listing. Without a strong and distinguishable title and photo, it will be hard to gain traffic to your listing. The product itself also has to be in demand otherwise people will not be searching for it. And lastly, behind every winning product is a strong, converting listing.

What influenced you into the world of business?

I was always looking at ways to make money. When I was young, if I ever wanted something, I had to pay for it, so I had to find ways of making money. I did stumble across business models like dropshipping, but when I was younger, I did not have much start-up capital. I ended up starting a YouTube channel and grew it to over 6,000 subscribers which was monetized and helped me make my first thousand dollars online.

What would you be doing if your businesses were not successful?

I would keep trying. The number 1 reason people fail is because they stop trying. I like the saying “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” By Thomas Edison. I see that as motivation to continue trying, because one of these opportunities will work.

What advice would you give to someone looking to start their first business?

Execute that idea. The best thing I ever did was start my first e-commerce business. I was hesitant on it, I had the idea for a very long time, but never executed it. The best action I’ve ever done in my life was taking action.

Media Contact Information:

Name: Marcus Pereira

Email: [email protected]

