Yoga Poses for Enhancing Hearing
Some yoga positions are made to target particular body parts and deal with different health issues. It is advised that you include the following seven poses in your practice to improve your hearing if you have hearing limitations. To rule out any significant underlying medical conditions, it is also advisable to speak with a healthcare expert. Keep in mind that regular yoga practice can greatly enhance your general health and enable you to live a long, healthy life.
Daily Yoga: Try These 7 Positions Every Day to Help Your Hearing.
“Cobra Pose,” or Bhujangasana
Stretching the neck muscles and improving blood flow to the ears are two benefits of this yoga pose that may help prevent hearing loss.
Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)
Daily practice of this pose can improve stability and balance in the body, which may help with common ailments like tinnitus and vertigo.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
This pose is known to nourish and revitalise the auditory system by reversing blood flow to the head and ears, however it does require some skill.
Halasana (Plow Pose)
Stretching the neck and throat muscles with this useful yoga pose can help to improve hearing and lessen the buildup of earwax.
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
This fun yoga pose can improve blood flow to the ears and lengthen the neck, which may help lessen tinnitus and hearing loss.
Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
By controlling breathing and calming the mind, this method, which mostly concentrates on breathing, can help to balance the nervous system and enhance hearing.
Savasana (Corpse Pose)
This pose encourages mental and physical relaxation, which can help reduce tension and anxiety that can aggravate tinnitus and hearing loss.
The aforementioned material is generic in nature and shouldn’t be used in place of expert medical advice. For individualised advice about your health and medical history, it is best to speak with a licensed healthcare professional.