Due to its many health, skin, and hair benefits, kesar, also known as saffron, is very popular. Consider how your health and general well-being could alter drastically if you started including even a small amount of kesar in your diet. Particularly in India, kesar is aptly referred to as the “golden spice of the kitchen.” Antioxidants found naturally in these orange strands help strengthen immunity and stave against common wintertime ailments like the flu and colds. Its inherent warming qualities aid in controlling your body’s temperature and keeping you warm throughout the winter.
Kesar is well known for its health advantages, but it’s also great for elevating mood and lowering stress levels in day-to-day living. Kesar is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy digestion, encourage radiant skin, and boost general vigour.
Rich In Antioxidants
Strong antioxidants like crocetin, crocin, and safranal are abundant in the orange-colored strands of saffron. Your cells are shielded from oxidative stress and free radicals by these antioxidant molecules.
Better Memory
Were you aware that saffron has been associated with improved cognitive and memory function? It is a natural method of improving brain function.
Healthy Heart
Rich in antioxidants, kesar helps lower blood pressure, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol. This promotes a healthier heart by preventing artery and blood vessel blockages.
Weight Loss
Saffron aids in weight loss by decreasing hunger and cravings for junk food, which might result in the loss of excess belly fat.
Bright Skin
One of the best ingredients for boosting beauty is saffron. It is essential to your skincare regimen since it brightens the skin, heals acne, and lowers inflammation.